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稀土永磁钕铁硼材料应用前景Application prospect of rare earth permanent magnet Nd-Fe-B materials
分类Catalog:行业新闻 发布时间Time:2021.08.23 作者:易赞磁业Author:EZC Magnetic
     钕铁硼是第三代稀土永磁材料被称为“永磁王”的稀土钕铁硼材料出现于20世纪80年代,它以高强度磁性和相对低廉的成本使永磁材料在各个领域得到前所未有的重用。 (中国科学院物理所王震西院士:钕铁硼是第三代稀土永磁材料,被称为“永磁王”。它的晶体结构为四方对称由两个钕原子十四个铁原子和一个硼原子组成。它将自然界最丰富且自发磁性最强的铁和能够使铁的磁性固定在同一个方向的稀土钕相结合。这种结合似的钕铁硼磁体不仅磁性强能吸起自身重量1000倍的铁块,而且价格便宜。) 984年,中国科学院物理所在王震西院士主持下成功研制开发了稀土钕铁硼永磁体。为了充分发挥我国稀土大国的资源优势,促进钕铁硼研究成果的转化,我国政府将“高档稀土永磁钕铁硼产业化”这个开发型项目列入国家863计划。 863项目“高档稀土永磁钕铁硼产业化”的实施,极大的促进了我国烧结钕铁硼产业的发展。我国的烧结钕铁硼磁体从1985年的年产10吨增加到2000年的6500吨,现在我国的烧结钕铁硼磁体的产量已达世界总产量的40%。 特别是863计划成果产业化基地中科院三环新材料公司,这个我国规模最大的钕铁硼磁体生产企业的许多高档产品已向日本、韩国、英国出口,并正在开发一些具有独立知识产权的高性能产品。2000年全球钕铁硼生产企业排名中,三环公司以年产2000吨位居第三。现在中科三环公司正在建设高档钕铁硼南北方生产基地,建成后年产量将达到4000吨。 863项目的实施,在促进钕铁硼产业自身的发展的同时对相关的许多产业产生了积极的影响。采用稀土永磁元件可使电器仪表和电子产品尺寸进一步缩小,性能大幅度提高,适应电子产品轻、薄、小的发展趋势需求,也使得运输车辆及机电产品的永磁部件的高效化、小型化、轻型化成为可能。 例如用钕铁硼永磁体代替扬声器中传统的铁氧体或铝镍钴磁体,可在传播功率不变得情况下使扬声器重量减少2-3倍,还能大大提高扬声器的灵敏度。 将稀土钕铁硼材料应用于各种电机的开发上可以明显的减轻电机的重量,可以使电机的外型尺寸减小,又可以获得高效的节能效果和提高电机的性能,再结合电力电子新技术,可实现产品机电一体化,对电机的应用与发展起着重大的作用。最近沈阳工业大学特种电视研究所研制的1120千瓦永磁电机就是目前世界容量最大的稀土钕铁硼永磁电机,它的机械功率高达97.5%,可以替代比它大1-2个功率等级的普通电动机。 现在稀土钕铁硼材料正在渗透到国民经济的各个领域,小到音响、手机、影碟机,大到汽车、机电设备、磁悬浮列车等,钕铁硼永磁材料都展现出巨大的应用前景。Neodymium iron boron is the third generation of rare earth permanent magnet materials. It is called the "king of permanent magnet". Rare earth neodymium iron boron materials appeared in the 1980s. It makes permanent magnet materials get unprecedented reuse in various fields with high strength magnetism and relatively low cost. (Academician Wang Zhenxi, Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences: Nd-Fe-B is the third generation of rare earth permanent magnet materials, known as the "king of permanent magnets". Its crystal structure is tetragonal symmetry, which is composed of two neodymium atoms, fourteen iron atoms and one boron atom. It combines the most abundant and spontaneous magnetic iron in nature with rare earth neodymium, which can fix the magnetism of iron in the same direction. This kind of combined NdFeB magnet is not only strong in magnetism and can absorb 1000 times its own weight of iron, but also cheap.) In 984, the rare earth Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet was successfully developed under the auspices of Academician Wang Zhenxi of the Institute of physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In order to give full play to the resource advantages of China's large rare earth country and promote the transformation of neodymium iron boron research results, the Chinese government has included the development project of "industrialization of high-grade rare earth permanent magnet neodymium iron boron" in the National 863 plan. The implementation of 863 project "industrialization of high-grade rare earth permanent magnet NdFeB" has greatly promoted the development of sintered NdFeB industry in China. The annual output of sintered NdFeB magnets in China increased from 10 tons in 1985 to 6500 tons in 2000. Now the output of sintered NdFeB magnets in China has reached 40% of the world's total output. In particular, many high-end products of Sanhuan new materials company of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the largest NdFeB magnet production enterprise in China, which is the achievement industrialization base of the 863 plan, have been exported to Japan, South Korea and Britain, and are developing some high-performance products with independent intellectual property rights. In the ranking of global NdFeB manufacturers in 2000, Sanhuan ranked third with an annual output of 2000 tons. At present, Zhongke Sanhuan company is building a high-grade neodymium iron boron South and North production base, and the annual output will reach 4000 tons after completion. The implementation of 863 project has not only promoted the development of Nd-Fe-B industry, but also had a positive impact on many related industries. The use of rare earth permanent magnet components can further reduce the size and greatly improve the performance of electrical instruments and electronic products, adapt to the development trend of light, thin and small electronic products, and make it possible to make the permanent magnet components of transport vehicles and electromechanical products more efficient, miniaturized and light. For example, using Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet instead of the traditional ferrite or Al Ni Co magnet in the loudspeaker can reduce the weight of the loudspeaker by 2-3 times without changing the transmission power, and greatly improve the sensitivity of the loudspeaker. The application of rare earth NdFeB materials in the development of various motors can significantly reduce the weight of the motor, reduce the overall size of the motor, obtain efficient energy-saving effect and improve the performance of the motor. Combined with the new power electronics technology, the product electromechanical integration can be realized, which plays an important role in the application and development of the motor. Recently, the 1120 kW permanent magnet motor developed by the special television Research Institute of Shenyang University of technology is the largest rare earth NdFeB permanent magnet motor in the world. Its mechanical power is as high as 97.5%, which can replace the ordinary motor with 1-2 power levels higher than it. Now rare earth NdFeB materials are penetrating into all fields of the national economy, ranging from audio, mobile phones and DVD players to automobiles, electromechanical equipment and maglev trains. NdFeB permanent magnet materials show great application prospects.
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